AquaFir™ mixing wire brush and smooth textures
Posted on: April 2, 2021
Where: Vermont
Products: AquaFir™ product line in battleship wire brushed siding and shale smooth texture for the trim, fascia, and soffit, all in douglas fir.
Product Use: 1×8 shiplap siding with 1×6 tongue and groove soffit, 1×8, 1×6 and 1×4 window, door, and corner trim, 1×12 and 1×10 frieze and horizontal band.
AquaFir™ is offered in 3 textures: smooth, wire brush and circle sawn, each offer a different look and change the appearance to personalize the project. This product line is more contemporary in nature. Specifically, this product is ideal when you are wanting a consistent uniform look. Along with different textures and profiles, you can customize your wood species, with douglas fir or cedar. All of our product lines can be used for siding, timbers, trusses, posts, beams, decks, siding, trim, fascia, soffit, interior paneling/ceiling,, etc…
Wood selections:
It really comes down to what you are looking for, budget, and how you install it. Douglas fir, the stability is good if you install the right fit for your job. Selecting the right profile for your environment, not running it to the ground (doing metal or stone on the bottom of the house is best with any wood product). Douglas fir can be more rustic looking with more knots and they range in size. Cedar has dimensional stability, longevity, resistant to decay and has natural properties that deter insects. The knots in cedar are very tight. In extreme climates, acclimation and installation are crucial. Montana Timber Products helps by stabilizing any board wider than 6″ by doing relief cuts. Relief cuts (kerf cuts) are milled on the back of the siding and create air circulation. In addition to relief cuts, Montana Timber Products uses SEAL-ONCE® to seal the entire board in a controlled environment to protect the wood from water damage. Ask your sales representative for guidance to find what grade of wood and species best fit your needs.
Our ranchwood™, AquaFir™, ranchwood™ Artisan, ranchwood™ weathered, Charwood™, and Corral Board product lines offer a full selection of exterior and interior wood materials. All products can be used for residential and commercial application. Each product line is offered in two wood species, Douglas Fir and Cedar in various grades, talk to a Montana Timber Products representative to find out what fits your design and budget best. Call 406-215-4961 for more information or fill out the contact form at: